The Microbiomix Metagenomic Mapping test utilises metagenomic sequencing (shotgun) to analyse the genetic material of entire microbial communities in a stool sample. "Shotgun" refers to the random and unbiased sequencing of all genetic material, including DNA from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. This comprehensive analysis covers over 28,000 microbial species, providing a more detailed picture than targeted approaches that focus on specific genes or organisms.
This unbiased sequencing method can reveal previously unknown or unculturable microorganisms, uncovering the full diversity of the microbiome. A simple stool sample provides detailed information on the microbiome and biochemical markers related to digestion, inflammation, intestinal permeability, and more.
Designed to assess a person's microbiome from a single stool sample, the
Microbiomix metagenomic microbiome mapping test focuses on microbes that cause disease or disrupt microbial balance, contributing to GI flora disturbances and illness.
This advanced genetic material collection screens for:
Beta Glucuronidase
Calprotectin (Inflammation)
Identification of 28,000+ microbial species
Pancreatic Elastase
SCFA - butyrate, acetate, propionate, valerate
Secretory IgA
Transglutaminase Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
Zonulin (Leaky Gut)
Common Conditions Addressed
Abdominal pain
Bloating, gas, and distention
Food intolerances
Metabolic disorders
Poor gut health
Digestive problems
Unknown causes for gut health issues
Abdominal cramps or pain
Gut flora bacterial dysbiosis
Leaky gut symptoms
Intestinal issues
FUT2 gene mutations
About the Complete Microbiome Mapping Test: The Microbiomix Metagenomic Microbiome Mapping test is a simple home test kit that enables you to take stool samples using the provided kit and instructions. The kit includes everything needed to take the test at home and express postage to send samples back to the laboratory. Turnaround time is approximately 7-10 business days.